The Unexpected
The very nature of accidents is that they are unexpected. We can
all take steps to minimize the likelihood of accidents and the bodily
injuries associated with them, but try as we might, the old adage is true,
accidents will happen. And they happen with a frequency greater than you
might realize.
Each year*
More than 1 in 4 persons seek medical attention as the result of an
accidental injury
2.6 million people are hospitalized due to an accident
34 million people are treated in hospital emergency rooms
Benefits For Your Family
So while you can’t plan for accidents, SGPIA can
help you prepare for them. With benefits for Hospital Confinement,
Outpatient Physical Therapy, Prosthesis, Ambulance, Surgery, Fractures,
Outpatient Surgery, Emergency Medical Fees, Lacerations, Paralysis,
Accidental Death and Dismemberment, your family will be protected if
accidental injury should occur.
*Source: National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 1999 Edition
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